Farmer designers, agriculture on the move

from 14 July 2021 to 8 May 2022

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Planté farm run by Séverine and Xavier Noulhianne in Montpezat, Lot-et-Garonne

On the strength of some twenty years’ research and experimentation, Xavier Noulhianne has become an expert in meadows with a diverse flora and dynamic rotational grazing. In 2006 he came to the Planté farm in Montpezat (Lot-et-Garonne) and set up a farming practice that is taking shape year after year, beyond the regulatory framework, fuelled by a critical eye on farming organisation and its labelling system.
Climate change and the need to find solutions to adapt to the changes underway have led him to work hand in hand with Vladimir Goutiers, an agricultural engineer in fodder systems at INRA Toulouse research institute. Together, they are developing a meadow rich in several dozen varieties in Montpezat and do not tire of explaining the specific features and contribution of each of these plants.

Programme in preparation. 

La ferme de Planté
47360 Montpezat

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