Farmer designers, agriculture on the move

from 14 July 2021 to 8 May 2022

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Domaine de Courances in Courances, Essonne

The Domaine de Courances comprises a 600-hectare agricultural plain and several market gardening plots (3 x 3 ha) overseen by Béranger Dauthieux using different management techniques (including MSV: living soil market gardening). Attempting to reconcile conservation agriculture and organic farming, Valentine de Ganay and Bruno Saillet, field crop manager, have set the bar extremely high but first and foremost obey the realities on the ground while remaining pragmatic (after five years of no-tillage, they are shallow ploughing this year, for example, to regain control of weeds). A large agroforestry area planted at the outset of the project in 2014-15: 1,800 trees in lines in the fields and restored hedges. An interesting relationship is also explored between the sheep (a 600-strong flock) and the crops, which means a real understanding between Alexandre Faucher, the shepherd, and the field crop manager.
A few years were all it took for the water table that stretches under the estate's
lands to become drinkable again...

Domaine de Courances 
15 Rue du Château, 91490 Courances

© Domaine de Courances